Bringing Animals From Montenegro to EU or UK

In general, the adoption of harmonized rules on travelling with pets has made it easier for EU and UK citizens and their dogs and cats to enjoy the freedom of movement within the Union. This significant step was made possible by dramatic advances made in the fight against rabies. However, there are still specific rules that must be followed when taking a dog into Europe or the UK from Montenegro. In general, the UK rules are the most comprehensive in Europe. If these rules are followed, you will meet the requirements for all other EU countries as well. The following information is summarized from the following websites, which should also be checked for any recent changes or new advice.
UK DEFRA website: Provides details about taking a pet into and out of the UK. European regulations:
What is the process? You can take a dog or cat back to the UK only if you follow the following steps in this order. The dog or cat must:
1) Get a Microchip Implanted Your pet must be microchipped before they get a rabies vaccination or they’ll need to be vaccinated again. Microchipping for pet travel can only be done by:
a vet
a vet nurse, student vet or student vet nurse (directed by a vet)
someone trained in microchipping before 29 December 2014, and with practical experience
someone who has been assessed on an approved training course
Make sure your vet puts the microchip number and location in your pet passport (within EU) or third-country official veterinary certificate. Downloadable forms are available from : and-ferrets-from-third-countries). Airlines and train and ferry companies in the EU can read microchips that meet International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 when you check in for your journey, so try and make sure you use a microchip that complies. You may have to bring your own microchip reader when you travel if your pet’s microchip doesn’t meet ISO standards. You should check with your travel company before you leave. Your pet could be refused entry or put into quarantine if its microchip can’t be read when you enter or return to the UK.
2) Get vaccinated for rabies You must get your dog, cat or ferret vaccinated against rabies before it can travel. Your vet needs proof that your pet is at least 12 weeks old before vaccinating them. The vaccine must be an inactivated vaccine or recombinant vaccine that is approved in the country of use.
3) Have a Blood est Your dog must have a blood sample taken at least 30 days after the rabies vaccination. Your vet must send the blood sample to an EU-approved blood testing laboratory from either inside the EU or outside the EU for rabies titre testing to make sure the vaccination was successful. The results of the blood test must show that the vaccination was successful (rabies antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml). You must follow this rule for blood testing after having your pet vaccinated if you are travelling to the UK from Montenegro which is an unlisted country and not in the EU pet passport scheme. Make sure your vet is using an accredited laboratory for the testing. For full EU regulations and approved laboratory lists see:
The following are listed as approved laboratories in the region, but you should also check with the vet who takes the blood in case of changes.
Macedonia Laboratory for Rabies of the Veterinary Institute Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Lazar Pop-Trajkov 5-7; 1000 Skopje; Telephone: +389 2 3240777 - Fax: +389 2 3237354 E-mail: Serbia Pasteur Institute Hajduk Veljkova 1; 21137 Novi Sad; 402007; Serbia Tel: +38 121 6611 003; +38 121 420 528; E-mail: ; Internet: Croatia Hrvatski veterinarski institute Croatian veterinary institute Adress: Savska cesta 143, 10000 Zagreb; Phone: +385 (0)1 612 3600 i +385 (0)99 2155 119 Fax: +385 (0)1 619 0841 email: i Slovenia Univerza v Ljubljani; Veterinarska fakulteta Nacionalni veterinarski inštitut Gerbičeva 60; SI - 1000 Ljubljana; phone +386 1 47 79 100; +386 1 283 22 43 Email:; www: 4) Wait at least 3 months from the date the blood was taken before travel.
5) Be treated for tapeworm The dog or cat must be treated by a for tapeworm no less than 24 hours and no more than 120 hours (5 days) before you enter the UK, so if you are taking a slow route back to the UK you will need to visit a vet near the border for this treatment to be officially recorded in the pet passport (animals within EU only) or third-country official veterinary certificate. Your dog can be refused entry or put into quarantine if you don’t follow this rule. The treatment must:
be approved for use in the country it’s being given in
have praziquantel or an equivalent as its active ingredient
6) Travel with an official third-country veterinary certificate You must make sure that all of the above information and test results are recorded in an official pet passport (animals within EU only) or third-country official veterinary certificate if originating in Montenegro. The certificate must show all test results and treatments given, and include:
your pet’s date of birth
microchip number, date it was put in or read, and where it is on your pet’s body
vaccination date
vaccine manufacturer and product name, eg Nobivac
vaccine batch number
date the vaccination is valid until
the vet’s signature and contact details
Your pet can be stopped from travelling if the details in their pet passport are in the wrong place. You don't need a third country official veterinary certificate if your pet was issued with a pet passport before leaving the EU and the treatments are still valid. Up to date and downloadable forms are available from : certificate-for-movement-of-dogs-cats-and-ferrets-from-third-countries.
You will need originals of all documents, not photocopies.
7) Enter the UK via and approved route only You also have to make sure you enter the UK only via an approved route. Full details of approved routes and carriers can be found at : for-the-movement-of-pets