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Newsletter 5 | Dog Shelter News


We are still struggling to find regular volunteers to come to the shelter to help with one to one work with dogs. There are really only a tiny handful of us who try to fit in visits to the shelter with other commitments, but it is always very rewarding when a dog is completely transformed by a wash, a brush and a walk.

I understand that many people feel it is too upsetting to visit the shelter, but it is actually constantly surprising how they manage to respond so positively with just a small amount of attention. The more one to one interaction the dogs have the better, and the more likely they are to be re- homed. So please - anyone with any spare time over the winter please get in touch!


Our fund-raising plans continue and we are successfully raising the profile of the shelter and awareness of the needs of the dogs. Our fund raising plans for this year included 4 different types of event spread throughout the year. The first quiz night was so successful and popular that it was closely followed by a second – a special St Patrick’s night quiz organised by Jane Murphy and hosted again by the Club House bar in Porto Montenegro. This quiz raised nearly 300 euros and is likely to become a regular fixture next winter, so look out for details and join the challenge!

The second event was a fun –run organised by pupils and staff at Knightsbridge School. This was an incredible achievement that raised another 500 euros towards shelter improvements – see page 2 for full details of the fun and what we have achieved with the funds raised!


We are continuing to make great progress with shelter improvements, building upon our previous work to create a new puppy area, a corridor through the shelter and new gates.

Our latest funds raised have been put towards adding new fences to create more separate outside runs, to enable more dogs to be let out for longer periods. Our original plan to split the compound into 2 was surpassed as we raised enough funds to split the compound into 4, allowing most of the dogs to be let out in the day time while their inside areas are cleaned and aired. We also purchased much needed supplies of formula milk powder for orphan puppies.

With no time to install permanent shade over the summer, Azil put up temporary netting to create shade along the back of the fence, and our next project now is to create a more permanent shade/rain cover for the outside areas. Over the winter we will be working on improving kenneling, and are still looking for architects to help us with designing new kenneling and quarantine areas, so that we can bid for larger funds for this in the future.


One lucky dog benefitted from a chance encounter last spring. One Tuesday I needed to take a taxi from Tivat to Azil, and so hopped into the nearest cab in the town. I chatted to the driver along the way, and was surprised to find out he didn’t actually know where Azil was - that just goes to show how hidden it STILL is, if even a taxi driver couldn’t find it! He told me he loved dogs, and, of course while driving, showed me a picture of his beloved puppy that had gone missing months before. Nervously listening and watching the oncoming cars, and nodding politely but not showing too much interest in the picture, my ears pricked up when he described an eye problem that the dog had. “Wait a minute” I thought “I think I have seen that dog!”. Sure, enough, on a closer look, and suppressing mounting excitement, the descriptions and the picture matched!

The driver was at first unsure as I pointed out the dog I thought could be his, but once he called, the normally submissive and dejected dog came leaping over to the fence, stood tall right up against the fence – face to face with his owner!! Sadly I didn’t have my camera, but that lucky dog was reunited with a happy owner. It just goes to show, that the more people who know where the shelter is the better – as this guy had lost his dog months before, but hadn’t actually been to the shelter to look for her. A happy coincidence, and a happy ending!


According to the public tender for annual vet support services at the dog shelter (Zahtjev Za Bostavljanje Ponuda Spongom; Broj 1399, 30/4/2015), the following services should be being provided at the shelter:

  • neutering male dogs (70)

  • spaying female dogs (70)

  • vaccination of dogs against rabies (200)

  • euthanasia as needed

  • vaccination of dogs against infectious diseases (200)

  • monthly maintenance ( daily tour of asylum and the care for emergency cases by invitation, veterinary advice )

12 months

  • review and daily therapy for dogs (500)

  • treatment of dogs against external and internal parasites

  • testing dogs for leishmaniasis (rapid test 100)

  • testing dogs for ehrlichia, dirofilariju, anaplazmozu and lymes disease (rapid test 100

  • microchips for dogs (100)

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